Your Broken Daughter


I’m your broken child.

Don’t cry.

It’ll make me want to die.


I’m a broken wife.

With a deceitful knife

Trying to make you happy

Calling on you, my pappy.


I’m the little baby girl

Looking for someone who won’t hurl

An insult, a punch and a brutal blow

To what used to be my morals, now so low.


He asked, so I answered.

Now I feel so absurd.

There was a time I was stronger.

That time is here no longer.


Please, I hope you can forgive me

I’m not your average girl, see–

Oh wait. I am nothing

You deserve a better something.


I am your broken daughter.

Just a lamb ripe for slaughter.

I am your adulterous wife,

Someone not worth the strife.


You are who I’ll look to

To find out what I could do

In the end to recover

From what I did discover.