Maybe This Time we Stood for a Cause

Why are you looking at me so?

We’ve argued for centuries.

You started on your land and ended on mine.

I started on his land and began on yours.

Where have those moments gone?

To what avail do we fight? Is there a beginning or end?

Do we use reason or logic?

Are there sides to the argument?

Whose side am I fighting for? Whose side are you fighting for?

I don’t know anything aside from the fact I’m against you.

Where do we go when it’s over? Is there a reason to exist otherwise?

You know I’m not so sure where we’re supposed to be standing.

I’m not so sure we should be standing at all.

There is no reason to fight. Should we lay down our arms?

NO! If we quit that means we’re both losers.

If we quit that means we’re both weak.

If I lie that will build me up stronger.

If you feign that will gain you respect.

If we shed blood we will improve in our standing.

If we die we will assure spots for our kids.

Where did we start off this battle?

Were we fighting to fight or just for a cause?

Is there a reason to believe any different? Is there reason to believe anything at all?

Wait… What was that again?

I forgot why I was speaking…

Oh wait I remember now.

You’re a fool and my opinion is better!

I’m more moral and perfect and sane.

I know where I stand, I really think so. I remember why this whole thing began!

If you spend your whole life in a bubble,

If you live in the inside in safety,

you’re just a weakling not willing to stand for a cause.

I think causes are what we stand for,

Aren’t they?

What causes?

I don’t know. I care not.

Have we changed?

Sure, we’re different. I know!

Have we stood for what’s right or what’s fair?

Have we picked up our swords and our guns at the proper time?

We’ve done it right!

Tell me our motto again.

Yes we’ve done it right.

Next generations will applaud.

They’ll say we’re like gods.

Yes, maybe this time we stood for a cause.