Jaqulin vs Janis

Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap

 “Okay class, who wants to go next?”


“Okay then, how about you Janis?”


“Janis isn’t here today. Jaqulin is here.”


“Jaqulin, would you like to speak next?”

“No, I would not like to speak next. I would like to speak only when I chose to speak.”

“But you don’t speak at all when I give you the option.”

“Well then let me alone. I shouldn’t have to speak at all! People speak enough every day! People practice speaking from the time they are born before they even know words, so why must we take a class on speaking?”

“Jaqulin, speech class is very valuable. It’s a good lesson and teaches good people skills. I strongly advise you to speak today!”

“Well then I will speak, not because I desire to, but because I have a lesson to share.”

*Jaqulin walks to the front of the class*

“Funny how people are. They think they are alone. We go our entire lives thinking we’re unloved by everyone we meet. Granted, most grow up in families that do not accept them. We grow up feeling that our bothers her mothers and fathers hate us. Step-moms force kids’ own fathers to kick them out. Fathers are to selfish to say no. I am inclined to think they feel alone because they grow up feeling that way, but what about the people that were there for them when they are children? I mean we have some family members that seem to love us more than anything. We have always had people there for us to love us. Even now there are lots of people who listen to us all the time. I think we just have a tendency to feel alone. I think all people do. In some way every person is alone. There is no person on the earth who knows you so well as you do. Even at times you don’t know yourself. There is no one that knows how you feel. Even when people understand they don’t really know. There isn’t anyone who cares about your problems as much as you do. People are inherently selfish. As much as you try, I guarantee  at the end of the day you are more concerned about your own problems than anyone else’s.

Knock Knock Knock

*The door opens and Janis starts talking.*

“You know, we’re all alike in so many ways. Each person feels alone. Everyone gets sad. Everyone feels unloved and unwanted at some time or another, but that’s why we need eachother. Have you ever been so sad and so down that you felt there was no reason to live? I know at times I have, but people have lifted me up. Friends, family, even strangers have made life better in small ways all the time. It’s funny how a smile in the grocery store can make a person’s heart jump from sadness to joy. People get down all the time, and as friends we should be willing to pick them up. Yes, some try to hurt us, some accidentally hurt us, but that is no reason to give up. Everyone is the same in many ways. Everyone needs others. Everyone needs people to care about and people to be cared about by. People feel alone, but that’s what brings us together. God gives us other people because it is not good for man to be alone.”


*Someone hits a fly with a textbook and Jaqulin continues.*

“Everyone is alone. There is no one that is the same as you. No one knows what your life is like. No one has been through the same life you’ve been through. There is no one that cares! No one wants to know you. No one is like you. No one sympathizes with you. At the end of the day everyone is alone. Each person is walking through life without anyone else. There is never a time, even when you are pouring your life out to another person that you can really open up. There is never a moment when a person understands you perfectly. There is never a time when someone cares about you more than you care about yourself. No person on earth will love you as much as you will. At the end of the day you aren’t special to anyone else. At the end of the day the people around you are just using you to make themselves happy in one way or another. In the end of the day, at the end of your life, when you reach the end of your life, there is no one who cares like you care about yourself. That’s why God says love one another as you love yourself, cause you’re the only person who loves you that much. In the end, you always forgive yourself. At the end of the day you always overlook your problems. At the end of the day, you don’t hate yourself. Your friends will become angry. Your friends will hold grudges. Your friends will talk bad about you. Your friends will tell your secrets. Your friends will hurt you any chance they get. At the end of the day we’re all alone… So what do you have to say about that?”


*A watch signals the start of a new hour, and Janis continues.”

“Sometimes we feel like no one cares, but there is no better time to care about others than when we’re lonely. We should always care! There’s always some one in need. There’s always someone to love. There is always a chance to forgive. There is always a chance to give. So many people are alone. So many people feel betrayed and unloved. Why are we so concerned about our own problems if we could be listening to what others need? How sad we are… How depraved we are… How desperately we need to care for others. We should love before others love us. I always feel like I’m the processor of everyone’s problems. People in my family want to tell me what vexes them. I try… I try so hard to listen, and there is always a chance. I try to give every portion of myself to others. Everyone should make a huge effort to cheer others. People should strive to bring out the best in other people. We get so caught up in ourselves that we forget what we ought to be doing.”

Ding Ding Ding           Ding Ding Ding 

*The hour is over and Jaqulin looks at the class.*

“Take my lesson to heart.”

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